Friday, August 30, 2013

Little House Activities

We have just finished reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  The first book in her famous series, it is a great way to introduce the concepts of past and present.  We bought a home in the middle of some new construction, so watching houses being built is now common place to my kids.  The idea of a person making (or living in) a home of logs is completely foreign.

Time to get out the Lincoln Logs!

 We added a few miniatures from a doll house and some plastic farm animals.

Ingalls' detailed the every day activities of home life, including making some of our favorite foods...

And cornbread, yum!
 We gathered herbs from our garden and tied them together to store for the winter just like Ma did in the books.

I got out a washboard and a large pot for the kids to do the wash like in the days of old.  Washboards can still be found in thrift shops, or in your grandma's basement - just ask.  You can also find one online  here.

Doing chores the old-fashioned way is a fun way to gain perspective about the past.